Here I take household items and blow them up with a killer 10kJ capacitor bank. The peak powers from this bank are in the megawatts, so dumping all that power through stuff gives interesting effects. This insane power supply is what will be used to power my ruby laser. Lethal is an understatement for this bank, and will kill you before you hit the floor if you touch it. The light bulb that I hit was vaporized, and there was no trace of that thing afterwards! The CD was the brightest of the explosions, due to the aluminum superheating and reacting with oxygen in the air. I shattered one of my flashlamps, so that has put me on hold for the ruby laser. I order two to replace it so I can increase the energy a bit more. I'm gonna use the high current rated electrodes from my broken lamp to build a triggered spark gap so I can do other interesting high voltage experime